Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is ManageTradeX?
    • ManageTradeX is a cloud-based business automation solution that provides solutions in managing your Invoices as well as Purchase Orders. ManageTradeX is built ontop of a network architecture that allows easy management on both your suppliers and customers. Create invoices digitally through ManageTradeX e-invoicing platform which incorporates in-form validation from both the buyer and country compliance.
  • What are the infrastructure and system requirements for ManageTradeX?
    • The answer is “Nothing”. The only thing you need is a stable internet connection and a web browser. ManageTradeX is a SaaS application that works on major web browsers such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. Additionally, ManageTradeX is a cloud based solution, where its 24/7 accessible.
  • What is MTX ID and where do I find the ID for my account?
    • MTX ID is an ID generated by ManageTradeX to uniquely identify your company. Once you logged on, you can find the ID under your profile icon.
  • I forgot my login details. Where can I recover my password or username?
    • The username is the email address that you’ve used for the registration of your account. In the event you’ve forgotten the password, you can request that ManageTradeX send you an email with intructions by conveniently click on ‘Forgot Password’ on the sign-in page.
  • I can't sign in because my account is blocked. What should I do?
    • This likely means that you've entered the wrong password after 3 attempts. To resolve this, simply reset your password by clicking on 'Forgot Password' on the sign-in page.
  • I can't sign in because my account is currently inactive. What does it mean?
    • This message is due to one of the following reasons:
      1. You have cancelled your subscription with ManageTradeX; or,
      2. Your subscription is temporarily suspended
  • What should I do when my registration link is expired?
    • If the registration link expired, you can request the sender to resend the registration email.
  • Dashboard

  • What does the data in the dashboard mean?
    • My Network
      1. Network Connections: Number of active network connections.
      2. Sent Requests: Count of connection requests sent and are awaiting action from the recipient.
      3. Received Requests: Count of connection requests received and are awaiting your action.
      1. Sales: Display a breakdown of sales documents by type and corresponding figures for the selected timeframe.
      2. Purchases: Display a breakdown of purchases documents by type and corresponding figures for the selected timeframe.
      Accounts Payable Dashboard
      1. Invoices pending payment: Total of all accepted invoice amounts, displayed in invoice currency, along with the number of associated invoices. The total is calculated based on invoices that have not yet been marked as paid.
      2. Invoices Due within 10 Days: Total amount of received invoices that are scheduled for payment within the next 10 days from their due date. The total is presented in the invoice currency, alongside the number of concerned invoices.
      3. Overdue Invoices: Total of all outstanding invoice amounts, displayed in the invoice currency, along with the number of concerned invoices. The total is calculated based on invoices that have passed their due dates and have not yet been marked as paid.
      4. Potential Late Fees: Total of all outstanding invoices that have defined penalties for late payment and displayed in invoice currency, along with the number of concerned invoices.
      5. Available Early Payment Discounts: Total of all available discount amounts, displayed in the invoice currency, with the number of associated invoices. The total includes all the invoices for which the early payment discount period is still running.
      Accounts Receivable Dashboard
      1. Invoices Awaiting Payment: Total of all issued invoice amounts, displayed in local currency, along with the number of concerned invoices. This total excludes void and rejected invoices, as well as those already marked as paid.
      2. Invoices Due within 10 Days : Total amount of issued invoice amounts that are scheduled for payment within the next 10 days or less from their due date. The total is presented in the local currency, alongside the number of concerned invoices.
      3. Overdue Invoices: Total of all overdue invoice amounts, displayed in the local currency, along with the number of concerned invoices. The total is calculated based on invoices that have passed their due date and have not been marked as paid.
      4. Potential Late Fees: Total of all overdue invoices that have defined penalties for late payment, displayed in local currency, along with the number of concerned invoices.
      Task List
      • Number of assigned tasks for the current user.
      72 Hours (LHDN Documents)
      • Provides insights into Malaysian e-invoice documents that remain valid within a 72-hour period after validation by Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia.
  • Company Settings

  • How do I update my company information?
    • To edit company information:
    • Select Admin > Company Profile menu.
  • How do I make my company’s logo visible on all my transactions?
    • To make your logo visible on your invoice, you will have to upload your logo on to the company profile of your ManageTradeX account. To upload your company logo:
    • Step 1:
      Select Admin > Company Profile menu.
    • Step 2:
      Click on the Upload Photo option to upload your company's logo from your computer.
    • Kindly make sure that the preferred image size for your logo is 200px X 200px (Maximum size of 50KB.)
  • How do I change the date format for my organisation?
    • To change the date format for your company:
    • Step 1:
      Select Admin > Company Profile menu.
    • Step 2:
      Go to Business Settings and choose General Preference.
    • Step 3:
      Select the date format from the Short Date Format drop-down.
    • Step 4:
      Click on the Save button to save your changes.
  • How do I add a new tax?
    • You can only add taxes from the list of available taxes provided by ManageTradeX. If you find that the tax that you require is unavailable, you can contact us at We'll be happy to assist you.
    • To add tax:
    • Step 1:
      Go to Admin > Company Profile menu.
    • Step 2:
      Select the Business Settings tab.
    • Step 3:
      Click on the Taxes section and hit on the Add Tax button.
    • Step 4:
      Choose the tax from the available list and click Add.
  • Can I delete tax I no longer needed? Will it affect my past transactions?
    • You can delete the tax you added if you feel your business no longer requires it. No worries, it won't affect your previous transactions.
  • What is profile visibility setting?
    • By adjusting the profile visibility setting, you can control whether your company is shown in search results on MTX Network. When this setting is disabled, your company will not be visible to others on MTX Network, and you will not be able to receive connection requests from others.
  • What is allow connection request setting?
    • You can control whether or not to receive connection requests from others on ManageTradeX. Enabling this feature will allow other businesses to send connection requests to your company.
  • Users

  • Why am I not able to add a new user?
    • You may not be able to add a new user if:
      1. You have exceeded your user subscription limit, OR
      2. You are not the administrator. Only users with administrator privileges or full access to the user page can add users, OR
      3. The user you are trying to add may already have a ManageTradeX account.
  • How do I request for additional users?
    • To request for additional users,
      1. Go to App Store.
      2. Click on Additional User.
      3. Click on Learn More.
      4. Fill up the request form and proceed to submit your quote request.
  • I have entered wrong email address while adding a user. How can I modify the email?
    • You cannot modify the user email once user is added. However, you can still delete the user, if he/she has not activated his/her account in ManageTradeX. To delete:
    • Step 1
      Select a user to delete.
    • Step 2
      Click on Delete icon.
    • Step 3
      Once the user is successfully deleted, you can add the person with the correct email.
  • Is there a way to add users and give them read-only privileges?
    • Yes. You can restrict users by changing the user group permission in the User Group page.
  • How do I remove user from my company?
    • You cannot remove a user from your company, if user has activated his/her account previously. You can however, deactivate the user's account, if he/she quits from your organization. To deactivate:
    • Step 1
      Go to Admin Menu and choose User.
    • Step 2
      Select a user and choose deactivate.
    • Only user with administratior privilege in of your company account can deactivate a user.
  • What happens when I deactivate a user?
    • When you deactivate a user, you stop that user from accessing their ManageTradeX account.
  • I received this error ´Email already registered with MTX´ when registering new user account
    • You are receiving this message because the email (which is also the username) you are entering is already associated with an existing ManageTradeX account. You will still be able to register a new user account, but the email must be unique to satisfy system requirements.
  • What happens if I enabled two-factor authentication and lose my phone?
    • If you've lost access to your 2FA device, you can recover your account using your recovery code.
      Here's how:
      1. Sign in with your password.
      2. Click on 'Try signing in another way'.
      3. Enter your recovery code.
      4. Click Verify.
    • If you forgot your recovery code, please contact our support team at, and they will assist you in recovering your account.
  • Invoice

  • Can I delete or modify an invoice?
    • Once an invoice has been sent, it cannot be directly modified or deleted. In case of any mistakes or necessary changes, you can create a credit note associated with the invoice. A credit note essentially invoices the same amount as a negative value, but it does not cancel the original invoice.
  • Can I create two invoices with the same invoice number?
    • It is possible to have identical document numbers if previous documents have been rejected or voided. This rule applies not only to invoices but also to other types of documents. However, this possibility is subject to your country's or your customer's invoice rules.
  • How do I clone an invoice?
    • To clone an invoice:
    • Step 1
      Go to the Document menu.
    • Step 2
      Choose Invoice and select Sent tab.
    • Step 3
      Select and view the invoice you want to clone.
    • Step 4
      Click on Clone from the Other Options button.
    • Step 5
      Specify the customer and invoice no. and click Create.
    • Step 6
      A duplicate copy of the invoice is created. Review the various fields and make changes if necessary.
    • Step 7
      Save your changes.
  • How many line items can I have in an invoice?
    • We do not have any limitations on the number of lines in invoice and in other document types.
  • How do I provide discounts at invoice level?
    • Here's how you can add discounts at invoice level:
    • Step 1
      Click on the Add button at the Header Charge and Discount located below the invoice line.
    • Step 2
      Choose Discount from the Type drop down.
    • Step 3
      Add the discount description (e.g. Bulk purchase discount).
    • Step 4
      From the option field, select whether you're giving a percentage discount or fixed amount discount.
    • Step 5
      Specify the percentage or amount value.
    • Step 6
      Choose a reason for the discount.
    • Step 7
      Click Add to save the discount.
  • Can e-invoices be sent to different countries?
    • ManageTradeX was designed fundamentally to "think big, go global" where we have underlying network architecture allowing you to send e-invoices to business both locally and globally. ManageTradeX works closely with local governing bodies to ensure each document complies with the local tax regulations, easing your compliance burderns.
    • Contact us at to discuss our local compliance in more detail.
  • Can I invoice my customers in foreign currencies?
    • ManageTradeX allows domestic and foreign currency to be transacted with parties on your network. Currency can be configured under the Admin > Company Profile > Currency. Alternatively, you can reach out to for futher assistance.
  • Are negative amounts allowed on invoices, credit notes and purchase orders?
    • As much as we acknowledge there may be circumstances that negative amounts may be included in documents being exchange, here at ManageTradeX, we will clearly identify the document type - Invoice, Credit Note, Purchase Order; where there is no need to transact in negative amount(s).
  • What are the invoice statuses displayed?
    • Basic states:
      • Draft : The invoice has been created, but it has not been submitted to your customer yet.
      • Sent : Only appears in supplier view, this status means that the invoice has been sent to the recipient/customer via email (email contact) or ManageTradeX (network contact).
      • Received : Only appears in buyer view, this status requires buyer to take action on the 'sent' invoices.
      • Accepted : The invoice has been accepted for payment by your customer.
      • Rejected : Signifies that the buyer does not accept the invoice, might be because there is a mistake in the invoice.
      • Cancelled : Signifies that the document has been cancelled.
      • In Process : Indicates the invoice is undergoing verification and/or approval procedures by your customer.
      • Failed : Signifies a processing issue during invoice transmission, prompting users to retry or resend the invoice, with or without modification.
    • Workflow states:
    • When you subscribe to our workflow, you will see additional statuses on your invoice:
      • To Verify : means the invoice is assigned to a reviewer for verification after it has been entered manually or returned by the approver.
      • To Approve : means the invoice is assigned to an approver for further approval.
      • To Accept : means that the invoice is assigned to a reviewer after the invoice content has been approved/agreed by the approver.
  • Can I send invoice to buyer who is not in ManageTradeX?
    • Yes, ManageTradeX allows supplier to send invoice to offline buyers. You must first register the buyer in the Customer. To create offline contact:
    • Step 1
      Go to Customers menu.
    • Step 2
      Click Add Customer.
    • Step 3
      Complete the required information.
    • Step 4
      Click Add to complete the creation.
  • What are the payment terms specified in the invoice?
    • Discount, this refers to the incentives offered for early payment. In order to establish an early payment discount, you need to specify both the percentage of the discount and the settlement period during which it applies.
    • Surcharge, refers to one-time late fee that is charged for an invoice if payments are made after the due date. In order to impose a late fee for an invoice, you need to specify both the percentage of the penalty and the start date of the late charges.
  • Purchase Order

  • How can I convert a purchase order (PO) into an invoice?
    • A PO Flip enables you to instantly convert a purchase order into an invoice within ManageTradeX. With a PO Flip, the invoice will be automatically populated with the data from the purchase order. To flip:
    • Step 1
      Go to Document menu.
    • Step 2
      Choose Purchase Order and select Received tab.
    • Step 3
      Search for the purchase order you wish to invoice against. Only accepted purchase order can be flipped.
    • Step 4
      Select the purchase order and click View.
    • Step 5
      Select the Create Invoice from the Other Options button.
    • Step 6
      Specify the invoice no. and click Create.
    • Step 7
      The invoice is populated with the purchase order data.
    • Step 8
      Edit the invoice, as needed, and then click Save and Preview.
    • Step 9
      In the Preview page, click Send.
  • How do I clone a purchase order?
    • To clone a PO:
    • Step 1
      Go to the Document menu.
    • Step 2
      Choose Purchase Order and click on Sent tab.
    • Step 3
      Select and view the PO you want to clone.
    • Step 4
      Select Clone from the Other Options button.
    • Step 5
      Specify the Supplier and PO no. and click Create.
    • Step 6
      A duplicate copy of the PO is generated. Review the various fields and make changes if necessary.
    • Step 7
      Save your changes.
  • What are the PO statuses displayed?
    • Draft : The PO has been created, but it has not been submitted to your supplier yet.
    • Sent : Only appears in buyer view, this status means that the PO has been sent to the recipient/supplier via email (email contact) or ManageTradeX (network contact).
    • Received : Only appears in received tab, this status requires supplier to take action on the 'sent' PO
    • Accepted : Means that the supplier agrees with the PO and accepted it.
    • Rejected : Signifies that the supplier does not accept the PO, might be because they cannot provide the service that you requested, or the pricing on the PO is incorrect, etc.
    • Cancelled : Signifies that the document has been cancelled.
  • Network & Contact

  • How do I connect to a business/company on ManageTradeX?
    • To connect with buyer/supplier, you can request them to send you an invitation to join their network. Once you receive the invitation, you must accept the connection before you can start exchanging documents with them on ManageTradeX.
    • Alternatively, you can send a connection request, if you have the privilege to full Network Management app.
    • Step 1
      Go to Network menu.
    • Step 2
      Click on Search Network tab.
    • Step 3
      Search for the company and click on the company to view its profile.
    • Step 4
      Click on 'Request Connection' button.
    • Step 5
      Fill in the request connection form and hit the 'Send Request' button.
    • Step 6
      System will send the connection request to the selected company.
    • The recipient can then view and accept the connection request from their Connection Requests tab.
    • Note: You can only send an invitation to a company if you have enabled the Network Management app. To learn more about the apps, go to the App Store or contact our sales at
  • How do I accept a connection request in ManageTradeX?
    • To accept a request,
    • Step 1
      From the dashboard, click on the 'Received Request' in the My Network, or navigate to the Network menu, select on the Connection Request tab, and click 'Received' button.
    • Step 2
      Select a trading partner and click on the View icon.
    • Step 3
      Select the Accept icon under the Trading Partner Relationship section.
    • Step 4
      Confirm the action by clicking 'Accept' button.
  • Can I connect to more than one Buyer or Supplier?
    • Yes. You can connect with multiple buyers and suppliers and manage your relationships with them all in one place.
  • What are the different statuses in My Network?
    • Pending : This status essentially a request to connect with a business within ManageTradeX. It indicates either awaiting your approval for the connection or waiting for your trading partner's action.
    • Connected : This status signifies that you have successfully established a trading relationship with the other party in ManageTradeX.
  • Can I delete a network relationship?
    • Yes you can. But it is recommended that you communicate with the other party before removing the connection as this action is irreversible.
    • Step 1
      Go to Network menu.
    • Step 2
      Click on My Network tab.
    • Step 3
      Select a trading partner and click on View icon.
    • Step 4
      Click on Delete icon in the Trading Partner Relationship section.
    • Step 5
      Enter your message (optional) for the deletion and click Delete button to confirm.
  • What is email contact type supplier or customer?
    • An email contact is an organization with which you've established a trading relationship outside of ManageTradeX. Unlike network contacts, documents are shared through email rather than within the ManageTradeX platform.
  • Can I modify or delete an email contact supplier?
    • You can modify your email contact information at any moment. You also have the option to entirely delete an email contact from your supplier list, if there are no transactions linked to the contact.
  • Why am I unable to locate a company when trying to invite them through My Network, despite their existence in the MTX Network?
    • The reason you are unable to locate a company in My Network invite is because the company has disabled its receive invitation ("Allow Connection Request") feature.
  • Why is the "Connect" button not visible for certain companies in MTX Network?
    • You cannot connect to certain companies in MTX Network because they have disabled their profile visibility.
  • Notification

  • How do I change my notification settings?
    • You can manage the notification settings of your company users, by logging in as the administrator, as follows:
    • Step 1
      In the Admin menu, select Notification Settings.
    • Step 2
      Specify which notification you or your team want to receive by assigning the user group.
    • Step 3
      Select how you wish your team to be notified by choosing: My Inbox or Email.
    • Step 4
      Click Save.
  • I received 'Your company is deactivated' email. What does it mean?
    • You received this email due to one of the following reasons:
      1. You have cancelled your subscription with ManageTradeX; or,
      2. Your subscription is temporarily suspended
    • Should you feel this is irrelevant to your account, reach out to us at
  • Subscription

  • How can I cancel my subscription with ManageTradeX?
    • You may cancel your ManageTradeX subscription anytime by emailing us at along with your ManageTradeX ID and we will assist you with the cancellation.
    • Please be advised that once the cancellation request has been approved, the account will still remain active until the end of the current paid term. During this time, you can still access the solution
  • How do I view my current subscription info?
    • You can conveniently access the subscription menu within your portal to view your current subscription status.
  • I received a message stating 'Subscription Expired.' What does this indicate?
    • When you receive a message stating 'Subscription Expired,' it means that your subscription or service plan has reached its end date or duration and is no longer active. You need to renew or extend your subscription in order to continue accessing the system. To renew, contact us at
  • What steps should I take when I have exceeded my invoice quota or threshold?
  • Integration

  • What are the file formats supported by ManageTradeX?
    • ManageTradeX can support inbound files in various formats such as CSV, XML, EDI and many more.
  • Can ManageTradeX integrate with my ERP System?
    • ManageTradeX is an ERP agnostic solution capable of integrating with any ERP in today's market be it SAP, Microsoft Navision, Oracle EBS, major accounting systems with integration capabilities and many more. Should you have further information required, feel free to reach out to us at or you can send your request via the App Store.
    • To send request via App Store:
    • Step 1
      Sign in to your ManageTradeX account and access the App Store.
    • Step 2
      Select ERP Integration.
    • Step 3
      Click on Learn More and proceed to submit your request.

Want to learn more?

Get in touch with us to learn how to unlock the full potential of your financial supply chain with ManageTradeX.